Connecticut State Frequencies
These frequencies are for HAZMAT, Police HOTLINES, etc. I don't know how active these frequencies are, but it might be worth it to listen here. I will update as soon as I find updated information.
154.585 CT HAZMAT Response
154.890 CT State Police "Special Ops" May have changed to 800mHz. Digital
161.145 Northeast Nuclear Energy, Emergency Net
153.815 State Health Department (pl 203.5)
44.680 State DEP F-1 Administrative PL 114.8
44.720 State DEP F-2 HAZMAT PL 114.8
44.760 State DEP F-3 Park/Rec PL 114.8
44.920 State DEP F-4 Enforcement PL 114.8
47.620 Northeast Utilities, Emergency Net
34.500 CT Army National Guard PL 151.4
38.500 CT Army National Guard
460.075 Hartford County Police Hotline RADS Ch-1
460.150 New Haven County Police Hotline
Just Added 7/12/02
Bradley International Airport
Air National Guard
173.5875 Fire/Crash
163.4875 Security
349.700 Operations
National Guard
34.150 Tac-1
34.750 Tac-2
243.900 Operations
More to be added soon... Thanks for your patience.