Connecticut D.O.T.
These are the state highway work crews/ plow trucks etc.
47.38 Ch. 1 PL 146.2 Rocky Hill Division 1
47.30 Ch. 2 PL 146.2 Norwich Division 2
47.12 Ch. 3 PL 146.2 New Haven Division 3
47.10 Ch. 4 PL 146.2 New Milford Division 4
47.08 Supervisory PL 146.2 Statewide
47.32 Radio Division/ Survey PL 146.2 Statewide
151.025 Base-Mobile PL 146.2 Statewide
151.115 Base-Mobile PL 146.2 Statewide
463.9125 Portable PL 146.2 Statewide
Radio Codes
10-01 Emergency Statewide or National
10-02 Paychecks are in
10-03 Test Call on radio
10-04 Acknowledgement
10-08 Auto Accident- Notify Police
10-09 Storm Warning- Weather Report
10-12 Clear Air- Standby for message
10-14 Sign On Air
10-15 Sign Off Air
10-30 Violation of Radio Procedure
10-31 Stop Transmitting
10-111 Civil Defense Action
Station Location
10 District 1- Rocky Hill
11 Vernon Maintenance
13 Weathersfield Maintenance
15 Meriden Maintenance
20 District 2- Norwich
21 Mansfield Maintenance
21A Putnam Maintenance
23 Old Saybrook Maintenance
25 Colchester Maintenance
30 District 3- New Haven
31 Wallingford Maintenance
33 New Canaan Maintenance
35 Milford Maintenance
40 District 4- Thomaston
41 Winstead Maintenance
43 Waterbury Maintenance
34 Litchfield Maintenance
Just added! Here are the frequencies for the bus
routes. Sometimes these can be rather interesting! Punch them in and
see what you hear!