Emergency Preparedness
For the Scanner Listener
Here's a few tips on being prepared for an emergency, natural disaster, terrorism, local emergencies etc.
1. Extra batteries: Make sure you have enough batteries for your portable/handheld scanner. You never know when you will need them... I keep enough to last me a couple of days on hand. Make sure that your rechargeable batteries are charged.
2. Frequency List: Even if you think your scanner is programmed and ready to go, it is always good to have a hard copy of what is in your scanner. Also, a copy of Police Call or another frequency guide are handy to have.
3. Extra connector's: Make sure that you have the appropriate connectors you need. ie. PL-259 to BNC or BNC to SMA.
4. Check you antenna's: You should check your antenna's and feed lines. Make sure all connections are secure, no weather damage etc. Check for damaged coax cables. Check to be sure that your antenna's can not come in contact with power lines!!! Always mount antenna's away from power lines!!!
5. Have a portable antenna: There are many different types of portable antenna's that can be used in case you have to move your location. If you use a magnetic mount antenna on anything other than your car, you can use a cookie sheet to mount it on for a ground plane.
6. Cell Phone/ FRS radio: I carry my cell phone with me EVERYWHERE... make sure you have the appropriate charger for it with you. Also, I carry my FRS radio's with me. They can come in handy for short distance communications
7. Listen to A.R.E.S. Nets: As a member of A.R.E.S. (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) I know that these frequencies can become very active. Lots of information there. For more information on A.R.E.S. go to www.arrl.org Most of these's nets are on 2 meter's 144-147mHz.
If I have I have missed something or there is anything else that you think should be added, please e-mail me at scannerbill47@hotmail.com
This page was created 9/10/02